Jack Reacher arrives by train to a small town in the Midwest. The town is called “Mother’s Rest” and Reacher is intrigued by the story behind such a name. There he befriends Chang, a private detective and former FBI agent whose partner has gone missing and decides to help her. After many adventures, they uncover a criminal enterprise that lures suicidal people with the promise of a ‘dignified and easy death’ only to brutally murder them on camera for the sadistic enjoyment of pay-per-view voyeurs. As usual Jack Reacher is nearly invulnerable and he is a law unto himself as he dispatches one villain after another. Reacher and Chang are soon sharing bed and the book contains a couple of brief but descriptive scenes. It also includes a brief defense for a supposed right to die at a time of one’s choosing.
R.A. (U.S.A., 2017)