
Moral assessment: 
Type: Literature
Nothing inappropriate.
Some morally inappropriate content.
Contains significant sections contrary to faith or morals.
Contains some lurid passages, or presents a general ideological framework that could confuse those without much Christian formation.
Contains several lurid passages, or presents an ideological framework that is contrary or foreign to Christian values.
Explicitly contradicts Catholic faith or morals, or is directed against the Church and its institutions.

An ironic novel or a real description of a "postmodernist", better "post-Christian" society, where the great values, those principles that have made a society, have disappeared and each one lives "his truth", according to what is of interest at each moment. Thus, we are presented with characters, names and situations that contribute nothing to the novel and makes them difficult to remember, until we reach an absurd murder, where the killer kills to defend a cat. From this moment on, the novel acquires greater interest and the sequences are developed with a certain logic. It is striking, the only reference to the spirit is when they want to make the sign of the cross on the corpse and none of those present knows how to do it or how to say a prayer. The doubt is whether the author describes an important part of today's Western society, its environment, or seeks irony to highlight the incoherence into which it has fallen.

F.F. (Spain, 2017)