Beatrice Steele lives in the small town of Swampshire in the English countryside and dreams of solving crimes. Her mother's only obsession is to get good matches for her daughters. During the big autumn ball a murder occurs. Beatrice together with a mysterious detective, conducts the investigation. Nothing is what it seems. Everyone has secrets.
This is a “Cosy Mystery” novel of gentle intrigue. It combines suspense and humor well. It is a fresh parody without complexes. A crime behind closed doors like those of Agatha Christie and the setting has echoes of Jane Austen. A light thriller, entertaining, easy to read, friendly, with fluid prose. The dialogues are interesting. The characters are very funny -for those who enjoy American humor- and almost caricatured. There are ridiculous situations, absurd conversations with a mocking tone.
It is the first work of Julia Seales, a young American woman who lives in Los Angeles and is in love with England. She began writing it during the pandemic. It has been adapted for the cinema and translated into 8 languages. Very well received by American readers.