[The Seven Last Words (Seven Words To The Cross)]
Martino Fine Books
Year of publication:
Moral assessment:
Type: Thought
Nothing inappropriate.
Requires prior general knowledge of the subject.
Readers with knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Contains doctrinal errors of some importance.
Whilst not being explicitly against the faith, the general approach or its main points are ambiguous or opposed to the Church’s teachings.
Incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Literary quality:
Transmits values:
Sexual content:
Violent content:
Vulgar or obscene language:
Ideas that contradict Church teaching:
The rating of the different categories comes from the opinion of Delibris' collaborators

Reflections on the words of Christ on the Cross, but from the opposite perspective: it unravels the attitudes that men take towards the Cross, in the words they send to the Crucified One and in how Christ responds to them.
With this perspective appear the humanists (who defend humanity, but not its salvation), the sinners, the selfish, the pseudo-intellectuals (who read too much for their capacity), the moderns (who reject any commitment), the sensationalists and the thinkers.
The book presents an interesting view, but it is not one of the author's best works.
Author: Jorge Gaspar, Portugal
Update on: Mar 2021