
Intelligent Virtue

Julia Annas wrote her important book “The Morality of Happiness” in 1995, in which she presented a thorough analysis of ancient eudemonistic, virtue ethics. In “Intelligent Virtue”, written in 2011, she...

Hitler and the Germans

The book collects lectures by the author in 1964. It seeks to analyze how Nazism was possible in Germany. For Voegelin all German institutions - military, judges, teachers, churches, etc. - were omitted or...

Who Am I to Judge?

A very interesting book entitled ‘Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love’. The author gives clear and very useful guidelines to dialogue with relativism that dominates in many university,...

Nichomachean Ethics

In our days friends are counted by tens, by hundreds, by thousands !; but most of us hardly know the surname, or the city where they live, or why they cry when they see the pages of the calendar. More and...