You See Me, You Hear Me: A Short Guide to Prayer for Young Adults

[You See Me, You Hear Me: A Short Guide to Prayer for Young Adults]
Year of publication: 
Moral assessment: 
Type: Thought
Nothing inappropriate.
Requires prior general knowledge of the subject.
Readers with knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Contains doctrinal errors of some importance.
Whilst not being explicitly against the faith, the general approach or its main points are ambiguous or opposed to the Church’s teachings.
Incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Literary quality: 
Transmits values: 
Sexual content: 
Violent content: 
Vulgar or obscene language: 
Ideas that contradict Church teaching: 
The rating of the different categories comes from the opinion of Delibris' collaborators

This short guidebook offers a simple and engaging introduction to prayer for young people (high school and college). It highlights the many benefits of regular prayer as well as some of the obstacles along the way. Beginning with a simple explanation of prayer as a turning of our hearts and minds to God, it goes on to offer some important practical tips on how to pray well. In this short guide, you will learn the benefits of spiritual reading in prayer; where and when to pray; what to do at the time of prayer; how to connect prayer to everyday life; how to overcome obstacles to prayer.