As the Crow Flies
Jeffrey Archer's As the Crow Flies (1990) unfolds in London, beginning in the era before World War I, when the United Kingdom was at the height of its imperial power. The story follows Charlie Trumper, a...
Jeffrey Archer's As the Crow Flies (1990) unfolds in London, beginning in the era before World War I, when the United Kingdom was at the height of its imperial power. The story follows Charlie Trumper, a...
Novel set in the late twentieth century. The protagonist, Connor Fitzgerald, is a Vietnam War veteran and, years later, a valuable CIA agent. He is married to Maggie and they have a daughter, Tara, who is...
This gripping story takes place in London of the 1960’s. It tells of a powerful and talented family, the Cliftons, and their private lives and professional aspirations. Central to the story is Henry Clifton...
The third took in the Clifton Chronicles covers the life and dramas of two families – the Barrington’s - Giles and his sister Grace and the Cliftons, related by the marriage of Emma Barrington to Harry...
But what if one man had such a dream, and when he'd achieved it, there was no proof that he had fulfilled his ambition?
"Paths of Glory", is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the...
And Thereby Hangs a Tale is a collection of short stories.....15 in number. Most are harrmless.
One describes a sex scene in some detail., that's number 14.
A story of murder, revenge and betrayal . The Clock is ticking on this thriller. In London, the Metropolitan Police set up a new Unsolved Murders Unit – a cold case squad – to catch the criminals nobody...
Chosen as one of the best books of 2018 by the Mail on Sunday.
Leningrad, Russia, 1968. Alexander Karpenko is no ordinary child, and from an early age, it is clear he is destined to lead his...
This Was a Man continues the story of the Clifton family. It is the final and seventh book in the series.
Cometh the Hour is the sixth novel in Jeffrey Archer's Clifton Chronicles. This series follows the events of the fictitious Clifton and Barrington families, starting in the 1920s
Sir Giles...
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