No-Drama Discipline

[No-Drama Discipline]
Random House
Year of publication: 
Moral assessment: 
Type: Thought
Nothing inappropriate.
Requires prior general knowledge of the subject.
Readers with knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Contains doctrinal errors of some importance.
Whilst not being explicitly against the faith, the general approach or its main points are ambiguous or opposed to the Church’s teachings.
Incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Literary quality: 
Transmits values: 
Sexual content: 
Violent content: 
Vulgar or obscene language: 
Ideas that contradict Church teaching: 
The rating of the different categories comes from the opinion of Delibris' collaborators

It is a book about the best way to educate especially for parents of young children. However, because of the richness of the principles, it can be applied to all educators. The anthropology that is implicit is the one that considers the human person as the center of the whole educational process because of its high dignity, and the interpersonal relationships as a way to educate in depth. The freedom of each person is valued. Each person is unique and unrepeatable.

The objective of the authors is to offer a guide to guide and encourage the mental development of your child. The authors are known for the best seller, The Whole-Brain Child. They suggest a different approach to discipline, one that reaches not only the immediate goal but also the long term goal of developing as a person. This path is called the relational discipline.

They end this work with messages of hope. There is no magic formula. Children benefit even when parents blow it all. It is never too late to make a positive change. Even the most fantastic parents make mistakes. Thinking that if you are imposing discipline you can't be caring or welcoming. Exaggerating, so children focus more on the exaggeration than your actions. Assuming the worst before letting the child explain.

Author: Marcela Navarro Hernández, Mexico
Update on: Jan 2023