The Spirit of the Liturgy

The reading of "The Spirit of the Liturgy" helps to better understand the meaning of prayer in the Church, as well as its sense of the communitarian nature that defines the Church.

In fact, the...

Die Lebensalter

The title can be translated as "The Ages. Their ethical and pedagogical importance". In this brief essay, the fruit of a course in ethics, Romano Guardini reflects on the stages of human life, their...

The Art of Praying

Book that collects a set of conferences in Berlin about prayer at the end of the 30s. Guardini expresses here his personal experience on prayer, its place in the Christian life, and explains the various...

The Lord

Meditations on Jesus Christ that follow the Gospel narrative, seeking to discover our Lord’s personality. Teaches the reader how to enter into the Gospels, and is useful for spiritual reading and mental...

Sacred Signs

This is a delightful and most meaningful little book on some signs used in the liturgy and in manifesting our faith, such as the Sign of the Cross, Kneeling for prayer and genuflecting to the Blessed...