God’s Tenderness: Reflections on His Mercy
This book attempts to be a help to continue meditating and putting into practice the central trait of the Gospel which Pope Francis has encouraged us to rediscover during the Jubilee Year of Mercy (8...
This book attempts to be a help to continue meditating and putting into practice the central trait of the Gospel which Pope Francis has encouraged us to rediscover during the Jubilee Year of Mercy (8...
Who am I? is an important question. But much more important, Pope Francis tells us, is this other one: For whom am I? Our identity is nourished by what we have received, but it takes its form above all from...
Prayer changes our lives. Through fruitful prayer, God freely graces us with the gifts of joy, peace, courage, and determination. We can often find, however, that, despite our good intentions, prayer doesn’...
Prayer is essential to the life of faith. In this superb book, based on Pope Benedict's weekly teaching, he examines the foundational principles of the life of prayer. Believers of various backgrounds and...
This book was written in response to a request from a publishing house in Cracow to be part of a series, A Retreat with..., which turns to the great masters of spirituality, like St. John of the...
In Dialogue with the Lord is the third collection of published homilies and talks by St. Josemaria Escriva, which he wrote between 1967 and 1975. In his preaching, St. Josemaria Escriva had a...
The lives of the saints act as a light that illuminates the path of our lives when night falls. They have travelled the same path as us, and have known how to reach the goal: the Love of God which is in our...
This book is the collection of meditations preached in a spiritual retreat by then Cardinal Ratzinger, on the three theological virtues. Starting from an existential perspective, the author aims to change...
Using the story of the agony in the garden of St. Matthew as a guiding thread, Javier Echevarría analyzes verse by verse the teaching that the evangelists have transmitted to us about the prayer of Jesus in...
Holy Rosary, first published in 1934, contains a series of short commentaries on the 15 mysteries of the rosary (joyful, sorrowful and glorious). It tries to help the reader enter more deeply into...
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