The Art of Praying
Book that collects a set of conferences in Berlin about prayer at the end of the 30s. Guardini expresses here his personal experience on prayer, its place in the Christian life, and explains the various...
Book that collects a set of conferences in Berlin about prayer at the end of the 30s. Guardini expresses here his personal experience on prayer, its place in the Christian life, and explains the various...
This 14th or 15th century work contains points of meditation attributed to Thomas a Kempis. It sets forth, with clarity and piety, aspects of the spiritual life that are useful for everyone. But it is good...
Identifies two fundamental threats to interior peace: not relying sufficiently on divine providence and the fear of suffering. Discusses, in light of the Gospel, how to overcome any obstacles to interior...
In this brief work, a Carmelite priest gives practical advice on how to grow in interior life: finding God in and through creatures; offering one’s life in union with Chirst; becomomg more aware of the...
The book is a good aid to those who seek to follow the Lord, to obtain the silence of the soul necessary to hear and understand His will. The author is a German Benedictine, who presents in this book the...
A collection of articles on the danger of superficiality when the Christian life is not rooted in personal dealings with Christ. Somewhat technical language. For people with good cultural preparation.
How to Pray may seem like a strange title for a booklet. Most people probably feel that they know how to pray well enough, their real problem is getting themselves to do it. In part they are right...
Aims at facilitating the practice of mental prayer, with abundant material from St. Josemaría and other selected quotes. Fosters a loving dialogue with our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Useful for...
Seven-volume collection of meditations for each day of the liturgical calendar, including many feast days. It often refers to the Magisterium, the Church Fathers, and the saints, especially St. Josemaría....
Contains practical suggestions for deepening one’s prayer life. Stresses personal effort and struggle, responding to God’s grace, and rejecting quietism. For people with some formation.
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