Prayer and meditation

How to Converse With God

In this booklet, St. Alphonsus Ligouri teaches us how to use the small events of everyday life to raise our hearts and minds to God: in praise, contrition, hope, joy, and union with God’s will. In this way...

Partnership with Christ

This is the best retreat we ever had at Gethsemani, commented Thomas Merton of the talks reproduced in this volume. Recorded in 1958 at Holy Spirit Abbey in Conyers, Georgia, transcribed, and now...

The Interior Life

This systematic treatment of the interior life—its nature, divisions, goal, means, etc.—is simpler than other classical books on ascetical and mystical theology. Useful for all, but requires discernment...

Book of Prayer and Meditation

Reflections on the main mysteries of our faith. Part I contains fourteen meditations on the Passion, stresses the abhorrence we should foster for sin, and considers the last things. Part II discusses...